The Racial Hierarchy of MASKulinity, with Dr. Liu - Part 2 ENCORE

We’re back with part 2 with Dr. Liu.
  • Dr. Liu sheds light on the real impact at work, in public spaces, and more on men of color being held to the standard of white masculinity. 
  • We dig into the notion of racial meritocracy and the dangers of falling for it!. Is proximity to whiteness helpful in certain spaces? Perhaps, but it’s still a facade. And don’t we want our selves evaluated just for us? 
  • Dr. Liu shares some statistical insights on how various generations dea lwith and understand the intersection of masculinity and race. 
  • We continue getting the game on how pervasive white supremacy is and how important it is to continue discussing race when talking about gender and sexuality. 


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Dr. William Ming Liu

William Ming Liu, PhD., is Professor of Counseling Psychology and Department Chair at the University of Maryland. His research interests are in social class and classism, men and masculinity, and White supremacy and privilege. He has received leadership awards from the Committee on Socioeconomic Status (APA), The Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race (Division 45 of APA), and the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities (Division 51 of APA).

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The Racial Hierarchy of MASKulinity, with Dr. Liu - Part 1 ENCORE